Have you ever thought about this verse: Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. I've read this verse many times, but as I sit here and read it again, I just start to think how awesome is our God. He says, we're his handiwork... there are billions of people on this earth, each and every one of us God took his time to create, not making anyone the same as the next, but carefully constructing us for our sole destiny, our purpose to fulfill what was ordained before we were ever born. Amazing to think he's our maker, our creator, the one who placed that birthmark on our body, or gave us brown eyes with black hair. Just, mind blowing! God created us to do good works, he doesn't set us up to fail. He always gives us the right equipment for every situation. Any job you would have, in order to get hired, you need the skills for that position. Well, while you were being created he already had it in mind, you'll be short, a woman, and be timid to start your life, but I will take you though some storms that will make you bold, not afraid to speak in front of people, or care if someone speaks wrong of you. (of course this is my experience) Oh... and I can assure you God will take you out of your comfort zone, he has to do this so you can trust him, and him only, to be able to complete the work he has started in you. With this through prayer, and reading his word, he will start to open doors that can not be shut, and shut doors that no one will open. You might think nothing is happening in the natural, but a battle is taking place in the supernatural, God has Michael (angel) and his warring angels fighting on your behalf. Remember when we were created God prepared in advance a book with what was to be accomplished in our life. Ask God today to reveal the contents of your book to you, ask him to give you a glimpse of what should, or could be. Some of us will have to give an account one day on why our book was never even opened. So today, ask God to be in his will and not your own. Tell him, Father, I want to be the man/woman you created me to be. Let me accomplish everything you have for me in my book, and hear those words one day,
"Well done good and faithful servant." Then wait, because your prayers will never return void.